Sunday, December 26, 2010

Napa Red Vineyard With Distant House oil 11"X14" M Eger

Forgive me but yesterday I was in the kitchen making lovely things to eat.  I only made it to the computer late in the evening and just did not want to compute!! I got such lovely Christmas presents. Both our children called from Kansas. It was wonderful! Will and Catherine are expecting next July. This will be Catherine's 1st child and it was such beautiful news for Christmas morning!!!!! Our Melissa's family sent a digital picture frame with a WHOLE flash drive full of pictures of the grandkids. It is wonderful for the long distance grand ma! It has a calender, date and perpetual slide show of those beautiful faces!!! I am truely blessed.
    This painting was done for my landscape class and it was a color theory problem. I love those color theory problems because they make me think and try things that I would not normally try. Today I have to get some thumbnail sketches done for the hospital. Have a great day. CLICK HERE TO BID

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