Saturday, July 4, 2009

Oleander and the Rabbit

Well, this painting is inspired by Carol Marine. She was painting a little gold mouse and warned that sometimes they look more like chocolate. So as I painted when it got to the point of looking like chocolate I stopped and came back to it a few days later when I had a fresh eye. Yep!!! It did look like chocolate. Since my bunny is gold leaf with much of the gold leaf worn off down to the red patina underneath it is not gold all over. I stated being very picky about value and color temperature remembering that Ning Hou would nag"one change color , one stroke... He totally intimidated me when I was in his class but every time I break his rule I think of him and his"One Stroke".

I found the rabbit while going through antique stores last week and just had to have it. It would be so much fun to paint from many angles and it is so cute. It is a 6 inch X 6 inch oil and is at the Knowlton Gallery for $150.00

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