"San Francisco as the Sun Sets" I just finished this painting for my Academy of Art final. I may still go back into it and add a few more details . It is a 36"X48" oil painting and I really wanted it to have that wonderful mood that only S.F. can have as the night begins to creep in. I will take it over to the Knowlton Gallery in a few weeks. It is so nice to be on break from both my M.F.A. class and teaching high school. This painting is
$4,000.00 to purchase click here.
I have done 2 50/50 shows at the 20th Street Gallery in Sacramento, Ca. that is when you paint 50 paintings in 50 days. I wish I could do that all the time but between studying and teaching it can be a bit stressful. I really want to have some fun with my art.