Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well, I did not shot pictures to post of my 50/50 paintings but I did get 4 week I may think they need some more work but for now they are done. I am trying to paint them without using liquin. The liquin speeds drying but I really think I may have a negative reaction to it. Also when I do not use it my paint is thicker and richer and I like that. I did do my figure study for my "Situation and the Environment" class. It is not done. It is 3 hours work and a block in of value and gesture. I also toned 15 canvases from 8"X 10" to 20" X 24" for the same class. It is funny, I give my students a month...about 20 hours for one painting of course it is most of their first time oil painting and I am very proud of their effort. They are pretty amazing. In the same amount of time I have about 8 pieces to do, but mine is after the work day. I am going to post my homework here. Please understand it is a 3 hour block in not a finished painting.

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